Wonder of Wednesday

Remember the joyful awe that you used to have as a kid when you looked at a sunset, ran through a field, or gazed at a handful of dandelion seeds? Each Wednesday, we work to find those moments we can all revel in and remember the wonder that is surrounding us every day!

WoW : Platypus - Sixth Sense!

May 10, 2017
Posted on 5/10/2017 by Mark Hutchinson
The good old Platypus is one of the most strange and amazing creatures. I was always most impressed with the fact that they have a sixth sense that allows them to “feel” electromagnetic fields. However, I recently learned from my daughter that they also have poisonous spikes! Now I understand why Perry the Platypus is a perfect superhero! Need something shorter? Highlight video (from Mr. Monotone) Learn More Have an amazingly great week! -Mark...

WoW : Virgin Birth

February 1, 2017
Posted on 2/1/2017 by Mark Hutchinson
Not really on the biblical side of things, more on the “sciency” side. This Zebra shark if the first known conversion to an asexual conception (known as parthenogenesis) having previously had heterosexual conception. Nature finds a way! For more on the science side: Learn about Parthenogenesis Watch out for those sharks! -Mark...

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Past weekly inspiration:

It is easy to take for granted that the world is only what we see on a daily basis. The goal of WoW is to highlight that there is much more to the world and our lives.

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