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Welcome to Your Weekly Inspiration

Mondays with Mark started as a labor of love to inspire intentional thought, acts of kindness, and self-reflection. Years ago, Mark Hutchinson, the creator of Mondays with Mark, received a weekly email called Wednesdays with Willie. Willie (Bill) had a heart of love and shared words of wisdom with his email list, and Mark would faithfully forward it on to our teams at WEO Media and Visionsite each week. After Willie passed away a year ago, Mark took up the torch for all of us at WEO Media and began his own words of wisdom to share.

After a few months of sharing his inspirational thoughts, Mark began a new list called Wonder of Wednesdays - to find sparks of joy and wonder in the world around us.

We invite you to share in the weekly inspiration: come here and read the weekly blogs and encouragements, or sign up to receive your updates by email.

This Week's Monday With Mark

Be The Light

No. 66
Posted on 9/10/2018 by Mark Hutchinson
I have a challenge for you this week. Consider for a few minutes the quotes above and then commit yourself to be the brightest, best and most positive version of yourself this week. Easy to say. Hard to do. MLK Jr. helps us understand that it is by pursuing what is good within us that we have a positive impact on the world. That impact, however, is not limited to the world. It includes ourselves. Focus your energy on turning up the brightness of your own light and that bigger glow will follow you week after week. You’ll feel it and the people around you will feel it. Light draws together light and the light reinforces the light. Ueshiba sensei says it in a little different way. A bright and clear mind is not cluttered with angst, difficulty or hardship but with an...

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