An Amazing Wellspring

No. 26
Posted on 10/2/2016 by Mark Hutchinson

"Happiness exists on earth, and it is won through prudent exercise of reason, knowledge of the harmony of the universe, and constant practice of generosity."
- Jose Marti

"It takes generosity to discover the whole through others. If you realize you are only a violin, you can open yourself up to the world by playing your role in the concert."
- Jacques Cousteau

"I love these quotes. In the first we are looking at generosity as part of developing personal happiness. And then, in the second, our friend, the intrepid explorer Jacques Cousteau, points us to generosity as being a path to connection with others and the world as a whole.

Sometimes you might hear that a particular person is generous or has a generous spirit but it is the constant practice of being generous that creates that effect. Do you practice each day? Is generosity part of your daily routine? Can you think of small acts of generosity from the last week that you have given or received?

Now I'd like you to think about how your act of generosity made you feel. Or if someone else provided it to you, what did that feel like?

The point I'd like to make is that, little or big, the actions of generosity we experience have a real and significant impact on our lives. The best part is that you have the ability to become your own source of this amazing wellspring.

Have a great week full of generosity!

~ Mark
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