Serving Others

No. 32
Posted on 11/28/2016 by Mark Hutchinson

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
- Winston Churchill

"I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy."
- Rabindranath Tagore

From poets to politicians the Siren song of service to others has echoed through the ages. As we enter the Christmas season (which apparently starts at the beginning of October now) there will be increasing opportunities to help and serve others in the community. Some families even have traditions centered around service at this time of year. What a great thing to do.

Being good by doing good is certainly a noble thing to do yet it is only the most superficial benefit of helping others. The authors today point us toward an even more compelling reason to get “service oriented.”

The act of service to others is obviously beneficial to those receiving it but everything leading up to the action and then the experience of delivering the service is far more powerful for the giver. Churchill reminds us that it is actually what transforms our daily existence into a real life. The “Bard of Bengal” tells us that the true joy in our lives comes from this selfless action.

I am so often astounded by the Maker’s compassion as evidenced in this complex and subtle fabric that makes up the universe. What a fantastic world we live in where giving joy and hope to others creates those same things inside us. Even when we are in our own dark places, the simplest act of service to another can instantly transform our world. Can you think of an example of this type of experience in your own life?

Do you want a full life? One filled with joy? If so, then start building a habit of service. No matter how big or small, planned or spontaneous, hidden or visible, each act of service adds something to the world and, more importantly, to your world!

Have a great week of service!

~ Mark
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