Wellness & Well-being

No. 39
Posted on 3/6/2017 by Mark Hutchinson
"Wellness is the complete integration of body, mind, and spirit - the realization that everything we do, think, feel, and believe has an effect on our state of well-being."
- Greg Anderson

"Well-being changes as we move through life, which is why a child's version of it cannot be the same as an old person's."
- Deepak Chopra

WellnessWellbeingMWM 151812309 Are you well?

Sometimes answering this question is a little more complicated than it seems it should. Our understanding of sickness and wellness, health and fitness has really changed in the last forty years. At the core of it all is the person. The performance of the body, the state of the mind, the condition of the soul are all part of the puzzle. The more we dig, the more we discover how all of the dimensions of an individual are really interrelated and interdependent on one another. So it is no surprise that wellness and well-being are highly personalized conditions.

The author’s quoted today draw our attention to these ideas of a more complicated and dynamic well-being. Deepak even points to the idea that what was working for us in the past may not be working for us now, or in the future.

In order for us to truly support our own well-being we need to first realize that it is more than an on-off switch. Then we can realize that efforts to improve any single dimension are still supportive of the whole – which is you!

Go out and work on your wellness this week!

- Mark
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